20 Jan 2023

Self-taught cook Rebecca Sullivan has worked with some of the world's best food producers, academics, activists and chefs.  

A food curator, sustainable living advocate, author, regenerative farmer, teacher and entrepreneur, Rebecca established the Granny Skills movement and also founded Australian native wellbeing brand Warndu with her partner Damien. Their latest project is the game-changing First Nations Food Companion.

In our Q&A with Rebecca, she shares what her signature dish is, her favourite ingredient that is often overlooked and who she would love to dine with. 

Rebecca Sullivan
Festival Star

Tell us three things about yourself. 
I have two beautiful boys - Mallee (3) and Ngairri (9 months)
I like old-school froth on my cappuccinos
I live off-grid in a straw bale home surrounded by a regenerative native forest in the stunning Clare Valley

What is your signature dish to make?  
My best mate Emma Shearer from the Lost Loaf loves my Chilli Con Carne!

What makes South Australian produce so special?
What's not special about it? I truly think we have some of the best produce in the world. It comes from a clean, green environment and the characters that make them are legends. 

Your favourite ingredient that is often overlooked? 
Geraldton Wax - it's a native plant that is like a piney, citrus punch and great in sweet and savoury dishes!

Who would you love to dine with?
Prince Charles - he's one of the most underrated eco-warriors on the planet. I have already met him a few times but would love to share a meal with him.

What is your dream restaurant booking?
Right now, I really want to get to Joost in Melbourne - I was supposed to go a few times but missed out during COVID.

The most memorable meal you've had?
I am lucky enough to have eaten many, many times at The Ledbury in London and love Brett's food - and him!

What are you most looking forward to about Tasting Australia?
Being surrounded by absolute legends - from the growers to the eaters! 

Can you give us a taste of what to expect at your Tasting Australia event?
An absolute story on a plate...

Find Rebecca Sullivan in the new Chef's Table series. Rebecca unites with Christine Manfield for The Bush Table, an experience that takes global cues while also honouring native ingredients.  

You can also find Rebecca in the Storytellers Series hosted by South Australian food identity Mandy Hall.